lihat dan dengar
coba lihat di mataku.
coba dengarkan laguku.
pasti adaa,,kamuu.
coba lihat di senyumku.
dengar dentuman dadaku.
pasti adaa,,kamuu.
sepenggal bait lagu lawas yg aq dengar pagi ini.
hmm..mewakilkan perasaanku?
aq bisa jawab iyaa.
haha..lagilagi tentang diaa.
inget dia bisa bikin aq senyum dan tertawa.
yaa walaupun ga jarang bikin aq kesal dan menangis.
tapi sekarang ini aq sedang tersenyum
aq percaya sesuatu yg indah akan datang nantinya.
yaa sooner or later, of course.
aq percaya sesuatu yg baik akan terjadi.
aq percaya dbalik suatu peristiwa pasti ada maknanya.
you do that thing you do.
breaking my heart into a million pieces
so, what do you think, boy?
what should i do?
keep in the rilent?no, of couse.
we're still together, right?
and i hope it will be forever.
(forget 'bout status!)
i love you without knowing how, when, or from where.
(with or without her.
with or without him).
hey, what am i talking 'bout?
okay, forget it.
silly girl.
Labels: daily , life , obsession
Exchange link with me?
i c c a
e c c h i e
lihat dan dengar
coba lihat di mataku.
coba dengarkan laguku.
pasti adaa,,kamuu.
coba lihat di senyumku.
dengar dentuman dadaku.
pasti adaa,,kamuu.
sepenggal bait lagu lawas yg aq dengar pagi ini.
hmm..mewakilkan perasaanku?
aq bisa jawab iyaa.
haha..lagilagi tentang diaa.
inget dia bisa bikin aq senyum dan tertawa.
yaa walaupun ga jarang bikin aq kesal dan menangis.
tapi sekarang ini aq sedang tersenyum
aq percaya sesuatu yg indah akan datang nantinya.
yaa sooner or later, of course.
aq percaya sesuatu yg baik akan terjadi.
aq percaya dbalik suatu peristiwa pasti ada maknanya.
you do that thing you do.
breaking my heart into a million pieces
so, what do you think, boy?
what should i do?
keep in the rilent?no, of couse.
we're still together, right?
and i hope it will be forever.
(forget 'bout status!)
i love you without knowing how, when, or from where.
(with or without her.
with or without him).
hey, what am i talking 'bout?
okay, forget it.
silly girl.
Labels: daily , life , obsession
hai.. my name is risya..
91'line. Indonesia.
i love to sing, dance, smile, read..and do all the fun things.. ^^
i just want to say, happy reading, don't take it too much, this is only my "diary" . with love, risya..
oops, i do not own this cutie template, thanks to cikpieqah :)
♥ >> the day we met :)
date: 2001
at: 20.11pm
you're not mine anymore
its time to move on, babe
Precious love.Precious friend.
please forgive me.
emosi tak terkontrol
ayo senengseneng
get out of my head!
yes im sure
he's back!